From Our Founder

A Few Words from Kurt Hill

In Greg LeVoy’s book “Callings…Finding and Following An Authentic Life”, he shares that we decline the invitation to our callings because we feel inadequate to the task. But the opposite is also true: we’re afraid of our own power. Marianne Williamson says, “our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, rather that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. But our playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.”Here at Holistic Health Practice, we intend to honor our call by doing the truth in love. It is the intention of our practice to revolutionize combined care and make the best offering we possibly can. We are dedicated to creating a safe container for healing and give excellent patient care. Your vulnerability and trust have a safe haven here.

While we are still in our embryonic stage, the vision is growing at a rapid pace. Our commitment and sense of urgency is shared by each practitioner and our diligent and capable administrative staff. The team that has been called together to make our intent here a reality are paragons in their field, driven by spirituality not ego. I am elated to collaborate with such warm and loving people. Our contribution is found in our commitment to you as patients and clients. I invite you to feel the positive energy here at Holistic Health Practice.

We are truly part of the “ineluctable modality of being”. I want to take this moment to thank you for allowing us the unearned intimacy in your lives. This is indubitably a privilege, one that we do not take for granted. In closing I leave you with this wish: May you swim in the water of the ultimate love and therefore understand the meaning of your reflection.

Right here,
Kurt Hill
Vibrational and Energy Medicine